By Super User on Tuesday, 05 April 2022
Category: Smart Home

Truly Smart Refrigerators for Your Smart Home

Connecting a refrigerator to the internet.

At one time, that sounded far-fetched. But we now have smart home technology introduced into TVs, doorbells, and lighting (and, of course, phones). Voice commands and related convenient features on a refrigerator, now sound doable.

The best smart refrigerators are useful because they connect to more than the internet. Z-wave and "mesh" networks home Wi-Fi links smart home devices with each other. It's not a conference meeting, it's a mixer.

As we reintroduce social mixing in our lives, a tall cold one, (or a short dram) might be called for. Let's talk about that.


Wine cellars: being underground with few or no windows creates a natural cooling system. A literal hole in the ground was actually the first type of fridge. The basement (or "cellar", up North) can more easily keep a consistent temperature as well.

These factors are all key for smaller (or full size) fridges to hold grown folks' fermented beverages (or other drinks).


If you collect wine, and beer or keep a big stock for convenience when you entertain, look at larger drink fridges. If less is more, there are models small enough for the countertop. Those hold only four 12-ounce cans.

Measure your countertop clearance, nearby appliances, your basement shelves, or wherever you plan to put it. These fridges are investment-priced. With cost in mind, the type of fridge will determine where to put it.

|| Main Factors for Choosing a Beer and Wine Fridge ||


Proper lighting, tinted glass doors, having easy (but not too easy, i.e. little ones) access. That's too much planning just to fill your glass with cold prosecco after a 60-hour week. Home technology and automation can be overwhelming without the right setup. Individualized, easy-to-use customer options are how Evolve continues to get and keep, premium-home clients in the DFW, University Park area.

Evolve Technologies, one of less than twenty Home Theater Association certified firms in Texas, can get you the right setup.

Integrate security, audio-visual, entertainment, window treatments, home monitoring, and more from your smartphone, screen hub, and more. 

Home automation lets you tell Amazon Alexa: "turn off the lights and TV". With that, the toddler snoozing on your arm will not wake up when you reach for the switch or remote control.

And with the little one in bed, you can go have that glass of prosecco.

|| Evolve Technologies and Harnessing Your Home’s Smart Potential || 


A cool trend right now is adult sodas, like Fizzy Lizzy. Steve Hirsch, a one-time A&W market executive, has his line of Gus (Grown Up Sodas) drinks sold in Whole Foods in 40 states. 

|| Non-Alcoholic Craft Drink Options ||


The attractive, big-ticket smart home products are the ones we can see: TV, craftsman-made speakers, 1000+hue LED lights, and automatic Roman blinds.

What we can't see is the data. As you're unwinding with a Heineken and your Kindle, the gaming in the basement, and the 24-7 monitoring are all guzzling data. This, is while you sip your beer and play music on Spotify.

Evolve wants you to have the data needed for your smart home set up. Our PackEdge routers have multiple in and out ports. That's literally extra lanes of data to keep everything humming along. And, it's a snug modem-sized unit that can go on the bookshelf.


The family hub is still the kitchen fridge. It's still a place to leave notes, display Kindergarten artworks, and make a grocery list. (And who doesn't love ironically tacky novelty magnets.) It can now email the list to your phone, give push notifications for an expiration date, and stream music.

But, that battered antique drink fridge in the garage can now also be replaced with a showpiece smart fridge for beverages. (If you're really ambitious, look up the kegerator models. Yes.)

The universal unwinding that is a cold drink, fermented or otherwise, is a great way to start pondering the smart home you want.

Call Evolve for a consultation today!

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